Refund Policy
Once the packaging and shipping process has started, the order can no longer be cancelled. You can make a request for a refund if you did not receive the product within the guaranteed delivery time of 45 days (excluding processing time), and/or if you received the wrong size or wrong item. If you did not like the product you received, you may also request for a refund. However, you must return the same item within 14 days after receiving the package and at your expense, and the item must not have been used, must be undamaged and/or must be unaltered in any way, and the item should still be in its original packaging, including manuals, warranty cards, forms, etc., We will issue you refund and/or replacement of the product as soon as it has been confirmed that we received the item being returned. Refunds are issued in the same form as the initial payment. Sometimes, it can take up to 4 weeks to see the credit in your account, depending on the form of payment. It is very important that you contact us first before sending back the item to us. Send us message to our e-mail address: We will respond to you as soon as possible.